It’s two things we want our members to accomplish every day in their duties, helping their community and returning home at the end of their shifts. The POAM is proud to announce the 2021 POAM Police Officers of the Year. We’ve carefully selected these officers who have exhibited bravery and selflessness and have gone above and beyond the call of duty to serve and protect. To learn more about these officers, visit their individual posts with images and their heroic stories.
POAM Annual Convention 2021
Police Officer of the Year Awards
Please click each name to read their stories. Some stories include other officers who may not be listed on the same line.
Officer Dan Riley, Albion PSOA, and Deputy Todd Madsen, Calhoun County DSA
Deputy Brandon Hatch, Calhoun County DSA
Deputy Suleiman Sumbal, Calhoun County DSA
Deputy Susan Miles, Houghton County DSA
Corporals Jennifer Jackson and Brenton King, Dearborn POA
Officers Welsey Ananich, Mehdi Ayoub, Mohamed Chami, Ahmad Mazloum, and Hamze Younis, Dearborn Heights POA
Sergeant Mohamad Bazzy, Dearborn Heights Police Supervisors Association
Deputy Theresa VanDorpe, Eaton County DSA
Deputies Todd Graham and Thomas Szidik, Isabella County DSA
Officers Charles Brown and Tyler Hollingsworth, Midland City POA
Corporal Renae Peterson, Monroe City POA
Sergeant Patrick Eash and Lieutenant Jason Barna, Port Huron COA
Officers Rob Adams, Jordan Engelhart, and K9 Deebo, Saginaw City POA
Deputies Jeremy Ross, Jesse Smith, Brian Webb, Jesse Beever, and Michael Hogan, Washtenaw County DSA/COA
2021 POAM Dispatcher of the Year Award
Denise Raich, Washtenaw County DSA
2021 POAM Distinguished Service Award
Deputy Kevin Mahan, Calhoun County DSA
Officer Andrew VanBuskirk, Howell POA
Officer Seth Gonyea and Lieutenant Daniel Clanton, Monroe City POA/COA
Deputies Joseph Ballard and Thomas Guynes, Washtenaw County DSA
Officer Philip Beasley, Eastern Michigan University
2021 POAM Administrator of the Year Award
Paul Myszenski, Director of Center Line Public Safety
Photo Gallery
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