The following businesses are active sponsors of POAM and have a track record of providing excellent service to our membership. In addition, most of our vendors have specific programs or pricing exclusively designed to benefit police officers and their families. We encourage you to consider doing business with these companies and letting them know we appreciate their special courtesy. Click on each company’s logo below for more information. Interested in advertising with POAM? Learn about our advertising opportunities.

POAM Preferred Vendors - 44NorthPOAM Preferred Vendors - ALCOS LogoPOAM Preferred Vendors - ADN Vendor LogoPOAM Preferred Vendors - AFLACPOAM Preferred Vendors - Blue Cross Blue Shield of Michigan logoPOAM Preferred Vendors - Cronin Law Firm logoCenter Mass, Inc. logoPOAM Preferred Vendors - Cops and Doughnuts LogoPOAM Preferred Vendors - CS Trojan & Associates logoPOAM Preferred Vendors - Charles Rutenberg Realty, LLC (CRR) LogoPOAM Preferred Vendors - Daphne's Custom Framing & Gift GalleryPOAM Preferred Vendors - Delta Dental LogoPOAM Preferred Vendors - Detroit Chocolat Company LogoPOAM Preferred Vendors - Firing Line New Logo 2022POAM Preferred Vendors - FirstNET, Built with AT&TPOAM Preferred Vendors - Garber Automative LogoPOAM Preferred Vendors - Granco Security Services logoPOAM Preferred Vendors - Health Alliance Plan (HAP)Hold the Line, POAM Preferred Vendors, LogoPOAM Preferred Vendors - LaFontaine Family Deal Car Dealership LogoPOAM Preferred Vendors - Legal Shield Logo - 2021 Updated VersionPOAM Preferred Vendors - LevelOne BankPOAM Preferred Vendors - Liberty Mutual LogoPOAM Preferred Vendors - Madonna University Criminal Justice Leadership and Intelligence Master's LogomePrism Privacy, a POAM Preferred VendorPOAM Preferred Vendors - Municipal Employees' Retirement System LogoPOAM Preferred Vendors - Michigan First Mortgage Credit UnionMichigan Sheriff's Coordinating & Training Council logoPOAM Preferred Vendors - Nano Armor X LogoPOAM Preferred Vendors - Nova Chiropractic LogoOlivet College Criminal Justice Program logo | POAM Preferred VendorsPOAM Preferred Vendors - Pine Mountain LogoPOAM Preferred Vendors - Police and Firemen's Insurance AssociationPOAM Preferred Vendors - Professional Police Training, Police Strategic Training Group logoPOAM Preferred Vendors - Retirement Plan Advisors (RPA) LogoPOAM Preferred Vendors - Gun & Hoses, Sequoia Financial GroupPOAM Preferred Vendors - Smith Barney CitiGroupPOAM Preferred Vendors - SVS Vision, A Clear Vision for Every LifestylePOAM Preferred Vendors - Unitex Direct logoPOAM Preferred Vendors - VelTYE LogoWaldorf University | POAM Preferred VendorsPOAM Preferred Vendors - The Whitehouse TeamPOAM Preferred Vendors - The WorkWear Store logo