On October 29, 2007, the Ann Arbor News ran the following story: “Husband arrested first, wife soon follows.” A couple ended up in jail, both facing drunken driving charges, after Ypsilanti Police...
By Barry Sherman If you want to know the influence television has on young people, just talk to new college students during their initial academic advising session. The show C.S.I. has created a whole...
By Dave LaMontaine During a recent conversation between Executive Director Orlowski and myself, we were lamenting the lack of interest of deputy sheriffs’ in politics. I had previously discussed...
Most disputed workers’ compensation cases have one or more problems in common. You can minimize those problems by following certain rules when injured at work. This article offers essential advi...
Anthony Ferraioli, Aldrin Lamboy, and Dawn Fray are police officers with the City of Hackensack, New Jersey. In June 2008, an election for the position of delegate to the New Jersey Police Benevolent ...
by Kenneth E. Grabowski On February 24, 2010 the POAM Executive Board held a legislative reception in downtown Lansing at Troppo restaurant. Turnout of legislators was impressive. All legislators ...
The term militia is commonly used to define a military force that is composed of ordinary citizens to provide defense, emergency law enforcement, or service, in times of emergency without being paid a...
No one is whispering about the State of Michigan’s economic turmoil. It’s no secret that state-wide municipalities are facing devastating budget deficits. The City of Flint is currently facing a p...