Blog: Page 120

PD Knife Regulations & Policies

By Frank Borelli In today’s litigious society no law enforcement agency can afford to overlook the need for administrative and training regulations for any weapon, or potential weapon, that police o...

A Century of Making Michigan’s Finest Badges

By Ed Jacques, LEJ Editor Weyhing Brothers Manufacturing Company in Detroit, Michigan is part museum, historical society, manufacturing plant, and an artist’s studio all wrapped into one. The co...

POAM Attorney Stationed in Gaylord

By Ed Jacques, LEJ Editor It’s pretty good duty. Lot’s of fresh air, deer in your back yard, and plenty of new trout streams to investigate. And, of yeah, he’s a lot closer to many P...

Municipalities Seek POAM Expertise on Garrity

By Frank Guido, General Counsel It has been a pleasure representing the POAM membership for the past 25 years. Despite having written many articles for the Law Enforcement Journal, I have resisted the...