Stronger Communities Act – The “Poam” bill
The funding bill for local police recruitment, the Stronger Communities Act, better known as the “POAM” bill, was reported by the Senate Judiciary Committee and sent to the floor.
U.S. Senator Gary Peters and his team introduced the Stronger Communities Act, S.2151, on June 21st, 2021. This bill was passed to amend the Omnibus Crime Control and Safe Streets Act of 1968 to provide that COPS grant funds may be used for local law enforcement recruits to attend schools or academies if the recruits agree to serve in precincts of law enforcement agencies in their communities. (117th Congress)
Changes to The bill
06/14/2022: Placed on Senate Legislative Calendar under General Orders. Calendar No. 419.
06/14/2022: Committee on the Judiciary. Reported by Senator Durbin with an amendment in the nature of a substitute. Without a written report.
Read more about the actions on this bill.
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