Blog: Page 18

Register for Our Upcoming Regional Seminar

2022 POAM Regional Seminar Join us for our 2022 POAM Regional Seminar sponsored by the Marquette County Deputy Sheriff’s Association. Space is limited, so please let us know you are coming! Ther...

Signed and Sealed | 2022

Signed and Sealed 2022 | #32 Local Association Name: Kalamazoo County Deputy Sheriff’s Association Duration: 3 years; January 1, 2020, to December 31, 2024 312 Award: Thomas Barnes WAGE INCREASES 20...

2022 Retirement Plan Contribution Limits

Retirement Contribution Limits Changed 457(B), 403(B), & THRIFT SAVINGS PLANS. The retirement contribution limit for employees who participate in a 457(b) plan, 403(b) plan, or the federal governm...

National Defense Authorization

Congress Passes National Defense Authorization Act (What’s In, What’s Out for Public Safety) The week of December 13, 2021, the Senate passed a $768 billion defense authorization bill (S. 1605). T...

COVID-19 Aid For Local Governments

Many local units of government have received millions from the federal government. Some of the recovery funds money is supposed to go to first responders. Many of our local units of government are NOT...