Winter 2023 Update for Annual Convention, Leadership Training, and Important Legislation

As I write this, the snow is falling but good news, the days are getting longer! I know that many of you enjoy Michigan winters and I admire you for having developed interests like skiing, snowmobiling and etc. I grew up in my dad’s combination gas station, car wash and towing business. I was adept at all those skills as early as 13 years of age. While that experience prepared me for my future, shoveling, plowing or lying in the snow became my “winter recreation.”

Lots of updates to share with you. I’ll touch on several, and if you need additional information on any, please contact your business agent or email us at [email protected].

The annual convention will take place at the Amway Grand Plaza Hotel on May 24-25, 2023! After the difficulties created by the “pandemic” of 2020-2021, we were thrilled to see the turnout of last year’s event and are optimistic we will have great attendance again this year. We will begin with our training seminar on the 24th at noon. This year will include “breakout” rooms with 4 different topics being presented. I’m confident you will find them all to be helpful. The business meeting will begin at noon on the 25th. We work hard at making this a memorable event because the true purpose of the meeting is to recognize exceptional actions performed by our members in the previous year. If you have a recommendation for Police Officer of the Year to submit to our committee, please do so by March 8th, if possible. 

Wednesday evening will have the Poker Run (great fun) and Thursday evening will have the cocktail party. Like last year, the cocktail party will have (potentially) our presentation to a special chief or sheriff, a comedian, great food and beverages and karaoke. Mailings and registration are all being done online this year so please watch for the announcements. Any questions can be directed to our office.

Frequently I get inquiries about training for new local leaders. We do several of these each year in our office. Three groups are combining for one this week. If you are interested in this training, contact your business agent. Additionally, we have a larger presentation of this training going on in Calhoun County this March. We are happy to bring one to a meeting room near you. Let us know.

Since my last message, the leadership in Lansing has changed completely with the Democrat party assuming the majority. POAM, always proud of its bipartisan choices, endorsed 89% of the winners in the House and 93% of the winners in the Senate. POAM endorsed 27 Democrats and 39 Republicans in the house while endorsing 11 Democrats and 18 Republicans in the Senate. No other union represents you better in Lansing and our people will be at the table as legislation is discussed. 

Some of the issues already being discussed are the repeal of the retiree pension tax. This is long overdue and it looks like the new leadership is going to make this one of its first priorities. PA312 for county corrections is on the agenda, as well. This has long been supported in a bipartisan manner but it seemed to get “tied up” by 1-2 persons in very influential roles. I’m confident each will pass. 

The Frontline Strong 5 Initiative is getting a lot of activity. I’m very proud of the part POAM played in the creation of this very important program. FST5 is a twenty-four-hour call center that offers all police, fire, corrections, dispatch and EMS employees a great, anonymous source of support on personal matters. It is supported by a statewide grant and gains its skills from our friends at Wayne State University’s mental health department. For more information, check online at or call 833-34STRONG.

Keep updated by downloading the POAM App!

Jim Tignanelli
President, POAM

One response to “President’s Update

Posted by David Patterson

Pension relief for first responders is long overdue. Thanks POAM for helping to push it through. Disappointing that republicans can’t get behind this. If the democrats didn’t have both house and senate I’m sure it would stall again. I may have to rethink who is actually looking out for cops.
D/Sgt Dave Patterson Ret.
Former Isabella Co COAM President.

Posted on February 28, 2023 at 4:11 PM

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