Expanded Medicare Buy-in for Police Officers
Over the past year, the POAM Legislative team has been working on this legislation bill for first responders and their health care rights – the expanded medicare buy in. To make the legislation into a finalized bill, we are urging our members to contact their congressional representatives for their support with this legislation. Read more about the legislation below.
In September, legislation was introduced in both the House and Senate (HR 4527/S 2552) to allow retired first responders – including police officials – to buy into Medicare beginning at age 50. Police officers often retire earlier than other workers and can experience gaps in coverage until they become eligible for Medicare at age 65. This legislation ensures the retired first responders who are 50 and older will have access to affordable, comprehensive health insurance – regardless of whether their pension plan provides for coverage upon retirement. Coverage provided under the bill would be identical to the coverage provided under existing the Medicare program.
All first responders and police officer retirees would be eligible for a tax credit, subsidies, and tax-advantaged contributions from their former employer or pension plan. Further, the bill specifically required that it be implemented in such a way that it is not negatively impact existing Medicare beneficiaries. Bill Sponsor Representative Tom Malinowski (NJ) said in the introduction:
“First responders always come when we need them, this bill would ensure that when they retire, they have access to quality and reliable health care coverage they have earned and deserve.”
Stay Informed
As we continue to push this legislation, our POAM Legislative team encourages our members to continually call their representatives for their ongoing support. Stay informed as we update our website and social media with additional news.
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