Governor Whitmer Signs Fiscal Year 2020 Supplemental Budget Package

Below is the full news release regarding Governor Gretchen Whitmer signing the Fiscal Year 2020 budget package. The budget package includes $8.5 million used to allocate amounts to each county. Our MLC Lobbyist Matt Sowash share detailed more information about the package.

If the program is approved retroactive to Fiscal Year 2020, all allowable grant activity will be reimbursed, going back as far as October 1st. However, counties that moved their deputies under a different program due to the program’s elimination can’t submit those costs. Any county that has used their own internal supplemental funds to support the SRP Program upfront, can seek reimbursement for allowable expenses. For example, if a department moved a deputy into the jail to maintain their employment the expenses of retaining the deputy will not be reimbursed. However, if that same department maintained that deputy for secondary road patrol activities those expenses will be reimbursed. This will likely require some sort of audit by OHSP to ensure the funds being reimbursed were being utilized properly for the time period between October and January.

Everything depends upon if the funding is retroactive or begins the date it’s reinstated. For example, if the program is reinstated on Friday, December 20, 2019, and only costs starting that day and beyond are valid, OHSP will deny expenses prior to this date. If it’s retroactive to October 1st, all allowable expenses will be reimbursed. We expect the funding to be retroactive unless there is specific language stating otherwise. Read the news release below.

LANSING, Mich. — On December 20, 2019, Governor Whitmer signed every bill in the Fiscal Year 2020 supplemental budget package passed by the Michigan Legislature.

“This is a good deal for Michigan taxpayers that will provide essential funding for public health, public safety, and public education,” said Governor Whitmer. “Like any good bipartisan agreement, this includes funding priorities that both parties support. We all know that this process hasn’t been easy, but at the end of the day, we were able to work together in a bipartisan manner to reach an agreement that will benefit everyone in Michigan.”

The supplemental budget includes $45 million for the Department of Corrections, which will allow us to upgrade tethers to continue monitoring dangerous felons. And it funds the continued operation of our vocational villages, which are working effectively to ensure returning citizens have the skills they need to get a good job.

The supplemental will ensure funding to clean up Michigan’s drinking water, including $4.5 million for DHHS for lead and copper rule implementation and $15 million to EGLE, which will fully fund the governor’s $120 million executive recommendation to help clean up drinking water.

The supplemental includes funding for literacy coaches at the executive recommendation ($10.5 million), which will triple the number of literacy coaches in our state.

Finally, the supplemental also funds critical public safety measures, including $33 million for key DTMB services, like maintaining the public safety communication system used by first responders across the state.

As part of the package, Governor Whitmer signed a bill that would require the Michigan Legislature to provide the governor with a budget proposal by July 1.

“This is an important reform that will ensure our public schools know what their budget will be at the start of their fiscal year,” said Whitmer. “I’m glad that in the future, the legislature will roll up their sleeves and get a budget to my desk before their summer break.”

The bills governor Whitmer signed today include Senate Bills 152 and 154 sponsored by Sen. Jim Stamas (SD-36), House Bill 5176 sponsored by Rep. Shane Hernandez (HD-83), House Bill 5177 sponsored by Rep. Greg VanWoerkom (HD-91), House Bills 4336 sponsored by Rep. Steven Johnson, R-Wayland, and House Bill 4574 and Rep. David LaGrand, D-Grand Rapids.

Please stay tuned as we continue to post information about this matter here and our social media channels.

Related Post: Michigan Legislature Strikes Deal From Budget Cuts

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