Law Enforcement Departments Recognition

As we continue to provide law enforcement and first responder updates regarding COVID-19, we would like to thank law enforcement agencies who have provided extra benefits to our essential workers, like additional paid time, a one-time cash stipend, or extra pay during the state of emergency.

Emergency Modifications

We’ve compiled a list to give recognition to these employers and listed the emergency modifications they have made for their employees.

Farmington Hills Police Department

Providing extra pay of $1,000 and 64 hours of paid leave

Madison Heights Police Department

12 hours shifts with 4 hours of overtime per pay and 40 hours of leave time

Oakland County Sheriff Department

Providing the overtime rate for all hours worked; covering leave for COVID-19 and motels rooms for all members

Southfield Police Department

Providing 280 hours of additional leave without expiration

Troy Police Department

Providing 7 days/off on a 14-day schedule and 16 hours of overtime for the workweek

West Bloomfield Police Department

7 officers work/5 on standby and COVID-19 leave covered

White Lake Township Police Department

Officers at home on standby and COVID-19 leave covered

Macomb County Sheriff Department

Providing an additional $2.00 for all hours worked and 80 hours of paid leave

Shelby Township Police Department

Providing a one-time pay of $1,500

Ann Arbor Police Department

12-hour shifts with working 3 days on consecutively and 10 days off consecutively

Saginaw County Police Department

7 days on/14 days off and 120 PTO hours/FMLA for child care and paid sick leave, if quarantined

Lapeer County Police Department

7 days on/14 days off

Clay Township Police Department

Providing a 3% wage increase during the emergency

City of Rochester Police Department

Providing overtime pay for every hour worked

Dearborn Police & Command Departments

Providing 63 hours of leave time that they may use and/or get cashed out after 6/30/2021

Dearborn Dispatchers

Providing 60 hours of leave time that they may use and/or get cashed out after 6/30/2021

Washtenaw County Deputy Sheriffs Department

Providing Deputy Sheriffs with a 2% wage increase for all hours worked

Meridian Township Department

Providing police with a 2% of base wage bonus

Romulus Police Department

Providing 1.5 hours of pay for every 8 hours worked (expired on April 27)

Dearborn Heights Department (POA & COA)

Providing $500 per month with a 12-hour schedule, 7 days on and 14 days off

Sumpter Township Department (COA)

Providing an additional $5 per hour for all hours worked, temporary pay increase from April 6 to May 15 with the option to continue pay based on State of Michigan’s decision

City of Clare Department (COA)

Providing ½ hour comp time for all hours worked and schedule changed to 2 weeks with one week on

Pittsfield Township Department (POA)

Establishing an ETO (Emergency Time Off) bank of time to a max of 250 hours in an ETO bank. These hours can be carried over from year to year.

Plymouth Police Department (POA and COA)

Providing working 4 12 hour shifts in a row with 8 days off in a row.

Lake County DSA

Providing full-time employees with $500 and part-time employees with $250.

Lake County COAM

Providing full-time employees with $500 and part-time employees with $250.

Lake County Corrections

Providing full-time employees with $500 and part-time employees with $250.

Lake County Corrections COAM

Providing full-time employees with $500 and part-time employees with $250.

Lake County Dispatch

Providing full-time employees with $500 and part-time employees with $250.

Mecosta County Road & Corrections

Providing 40 hours of vacation time for the 2020 calendar year, thanks to Sheriff Purcell.

Let Us Know

If your employer is showing up for its employees in an outstanding way, please let us know by emailing Gregg Allgeier or commenting through our social channels! We’d love to include them on our Law Enforcement Departments Recognition list. Also, please let us know if there are ways that your employer could be showing up for their employees.

Related Post: Hazard Pay Update

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