March 30, 2018
POAM President Jim Tignanelli
Police Officers Association of Michigan (POAM)
Dear Jim,
Good afternoon! I’d like to share with you what our local unit accomplished this past December with the POAM’s assistance in contract negotiations with the assistance of POAM Business Agent Jon Pignataro. Going into negotiations, some of our job classifications were far behind in pay in relation to our eleven comparable counties. For example, our Sheriff’s Correctional Deputies and Court Services Deputies were in the 29th percentile in rate of pay when ranked with our comparables. Jon was a big help in obtaining vital numbers that I needed for my research.
Also, the presentation that we did together with our local executive board was outstanding. To quote Al Vanderberg, Ottawa County Administrator, “That was the best employee contract presentation I’ve seen in my 35-years of doing this type of work.”
This was by far one of the best contracts our local unit has ever secured. Our 2018 – 2020 contract successes included:
Job Classification/Recognition
- Sheriff’s Correctional Officers are now recognized as “Sheriff’s Correctional Deputies”.
- Sheriff’s Court Services Officers are now recognized as “Sheriff’s Court Services Deputies”.
Rates of Pay
- Sheriff’s Correctional Deputies received 5%, 2%, 2% rate of pay increase over three years.
- 5-year steps increased by 5%, 3%, 3%, 3%, 5%, respectively.
- Sheriff’s Court Services Deputies received 5%, 2%, 2% rate of pay increase over three years.
- 5-year steps increased by 5%, 3%, 3%, 3%, 5%, respectively.
- Sheriff’s Records Clerks received 4%, 2%, 2% rate of pay increase over three years.
- 5-year steps increased by 4% for all five steps.
- Sheriff’s Animal Control received 2%, 2%, 2% rate of pay increase over three years.
Specialty Pay
- Sheriff’s Correctional Deputies assigned as officer-in-charge will receive a stipend of $1.25/hr.
- Sheriff’s Correctional Deputies assigned to Inmate Receiving will receive a stipend of $1.00/hr.
Other Employee Benefits
- The Employer now provides for uniform cleaning services for all uniformed members in the form of a $500 dry cleaning allowance for each deputy (pick-up and drop-off service provided).
In addition to these requests being met and/or negotiated, the Employer also included the following:
Job Classification
- In the Sheriff’s Records Unit, four (4) Clerk/Typist II positions were elevated to a brand new job classification of “Clerk/Typist III” at a rate of pay increase of just over a dollar an hour for clerks assigned to or responsible for Detective Bureau, LEIN, FOIA, and Sex Offender Registry. This creates four new promotional opportunities within the Sheriff’s Records Unit.
All in all, our group was very satisfied with this contract and we look forward to another contract bargaining season in 2020. Thanks again!
Best Regards,
Joe Walker, OCDSA President
NOTE: Bargaining Committee consisted of President Joe Walker, VP Dave Prout, Secretary-Treasurer Bob Wittum, Trustee Dan Ruiz, and POAM Business Agent Jon Pignataro.
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