POAM Voices Concerns over HR 1525

On July 24, 2023, Legislative Director Kenneth Grabowski wrote a letter on behalf of POAM and its membership over the collective concerns in legislation, The FAIR Act of 2023 (HR 1525). This legislation would negatively impact narcotic Task Forces nationwide and threatens federal asset forfeiture programs with state and local law enforcement agencies.

I write you today on behalf of the Police Officers Association of Michigan (POAM), our state’s law enforcement community and the thousands of professionals we represent across Michigan, regarding pending legislation that raises major concerns. The FAIR Act of 2023 would impact narcotic Task Forces nationwide and threatens federal asset forfeiture programs with state and local law enforcement agencies.  Most recently we have learned that the House Judiciary Committee passed this bill and recommended it move forward.

The proposed legislation would potentially impact Michigan’s law enforcement in several ways. The major concern is the threat to asset forfeiture with local law enforcement and the potential impacts to crime prevention efforts. If enacted it will likely deter local agencies from participating on Federal Task Forces, (ATF, DEA, FBI, HSI, etc.) The asset sharing means different things to different agencies, but any loss of participation due to the elimination of asset sharing or any other provisions in this bill will negatively impact multi-agency cooperation and collaboration, reduce, or eliminate access to federal resources being utilized in local investigations, and make our federal law enforcement partners less effective in their enforcement efforts.

The Asset Forfeiture Program created in 1984 when Congress passed the Comprehensive Crime Control Act, which provided prosecutors and agents the legal and regulatory tools necessary to keep up with, and ahead of, those who commit crime for economic benefit. The Act supports communities by transferring certain types of forfeited assets to state, local and nonprofit organizations. The program allows forfeited real or personal property to be transferred to local governments in support of drug abuse treatment, drug crime prevention and education, housing, job skills and other community­based public health and safety programs.

This legislation represents a serious threat to muti agency crime prevention task forces and threatens communities across Michigan. We urge you to oppose HR 1525 in its current form and work with us to continue to provide all Michigan citizens safe and secure communities.

We thank you for your service and consideration.


Kenneth E. Grabowski, Legislative Director

How You Can Help

POAM recommends you contact your United States Congressional representative to voice your concern about HR 1525. You can find your Congressional representative on this interactive map created by the State of Michigan.

One response to “Letter Regarding The FAIR Act of 2023 (HR 1525)

Posted by Paul Kline

Smaller city departments need this program!!! Forfeiture money buys patrol cars, equipment and all the other things necessary for doing their jobs!!

Posted on August 8, 2023 at 9:56 AM

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