Gov. Whitmer Signs Funding Bill
Governor Gretchen Whitmer signed Senate Bill 27 to appropriate $384.7 million in supplemental relief funding to support the recovery of individuals, families, and small businesses to help them emerge from the COVID-19 pandemic in a stronger position. A total of $367.7 million is from federal COVID relief funding that was authorized through the federal Coronavirus Response and Relief Supplemental Appropriations Act, while another $17 million is from the state’s general fund.
Also, additional funding will go to secondary roads. The legislation provides additional support for local police. To boost public safety, $2.7 million in federal funding has been allocated for the Secondary Road Patrol Program, which provides grants to the county sheriff’s department for the patrol of secondary roads.
“Sheriff Secondary Road Patrols contribute to the safety of Michigan’s motoring public. We have seen over the past two years an increase in traffic fatalities and serious injuries, that can be directly related to a lack of traffic safety enforcement resources,” said Matthew M. Saxton, CEO/Executive Director, Michigan Sheriff’s Association. “The Michigan Sheriffs’ Association and Sheriffs across the state are grateful that the legislature and Governor have recognized and are committed to funding this important public safety need. We look forward to working together for the safety of Michigan’s motoring public.”
POAM and our many sheriff departments appreciate the additional funding — it is definitely needed.
Additionally, a total of $160 million in federal funds is included to provide grant awards to hospitals based on total state Medicaid inpatient claims revenue to help cover increased hospital costs and reduced hospital revenue related to the COVID-19 pandemic. In addition, $100 million in federal funds is provided for a $23.00 per Medicaid day increase to nursing facilities that have experienced a 5% or greater decline in the nursing facility’s average daily census.
You can read more about the funding bill, how it will put Michigan’s economic recovery first, and everything that’s included in the official press release on the website.
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