Breaking NEWS-Governor Whitmer signs PA 312 for Correction and University Police
Michigan Senate Approves PA 312 Expansion for County Corrections Officers and University & Community College Police
Restoring the arbitration rights for corrections officers, university and community college police officers is the right thing to do. If it wasn’t for the efforts of POAM, this would have never passed.– Representative Kelly Breen, D-Novi
The Senate Labor Committee Holds 312 Corrections Testimony Hearing
Senator John Cherry, Chairman of the Senate Labor Committee, held a hearing today on House Bill 4438 and 4439 sponsored by Rep. Kelly Breen and Rep. Bob Bezotte. This legislation would “fix” state law by giving county corrections officers the rights of PA 312/binding arbitration. This legislation passed the House of Representatives earlier this year, and we expect a vote in the Senate Labor Committee very soon.

Attending the hearing were multiple POAM members and business agents. POAM Vice President Jon Pignatero and Ottawa County Deputy Sheriff Association President Joe Walker testified before the committee in support of this legislation. Attending were also representatives from the Jackson County Corrections Association, Calhoun County Deputy Sheriffs Association, and the Eastern Michigan University Policy Department.
POAM has been the primary advocate of this legislation. We will continue to advocate on behalf of our members at the State Capitol.
Kenneth E. Grabowski
POAM Legislative Director
May 23rd Update: PA 312 for Corrections Passes the Michigan House of Representatives!
Today, May 23, 2023, House Bill 4438 and 4439 were passed by the Michigan House of Representatives which restores PA 312 rights for county corrections officers. The primary bill, sponsored by Rep. Kelly Breen, passed 88-18.
Every member present from the House Democrat Caucus voted in support of this legislation. POAM would like to thank Speaker Joe Tate, Representative Kelly Breen, and Representative Bob Bezotte for championing this legislation and passing it by the Michigan House of Representatives.
All 18 no votes were members of the House Republican caucus. Those legislators voting no included:
- Rep. Gregory Alexander
- Rep. Andrew Beeler
- Rep. Matthew Bierlein
- Rep. Ann Bollin
- Rep. Steve Carra
- Rep. Cam Cavitt
- Rep. Nancy DeBoer
- Rep. Jay DeBoyer
- Rep. James DeSana
- Rep. Neil Friske
- Rep. Jamie Greene
- Rep. Matt Maddock
- Rep. Luke Meerman
- Rep. Brian Posthumus
- Rep. Angela Rigas
- Rep. Josh Schriver
- Rep. Bradly Slagh
- Rep. Rachelle Smit
This legislation now heads to the Michigan Senate for further consideration. POAM will work aggressively to see this legislation passed and signed into law.
May 18th News Release: 312 for corrections voted out of committee
POAM is pleased to announce that the “312 for corrections” legislation (House Bills 4438 & 4439) was voted out of committee yesterday 13-0. POAM wishes to thank the bill sponsors, State Representatives Kelly Breen and Bob Biezotte, for their hard work and dedication. We wish to thank Committee Chairwoman Hope, Majority Vice Chair Andrews, Minority Vice Chair Filler, and our former law enforcement colleagues Carter, Mueller, Biezotte Harris, and BeGole. MLC’s lobbyist for POAM indicates that he hopes to have a floor vote later this week or the next.
April 24th News Release: Michigan Representatives seek to add County Corrections to the Public Act 312
POAM has been working with State Representative Kelly Breen (D-Novi) and State Representative Bob Bezotte (R-Howell) to introduce legislation adding county correction officers to Public Act 312. Last week, Rep. Breen and Rep. Bezotte introduced House Bills 4438 and 4439, which makes this important change. The bills were introduced with strong bipartisan support from Michigan’s Representatives, including over 35 cosponsors.
The bills are now before the House Criminal Justice Committee chaired by Representative Kara Hope. POAM will be working with Chairwoman Hope and the House Criminal Justice Committee members to get quick action on this important legislation.
We will continue to advocate for this legislation until it passes the legislature and is signed by the Governor.
Kenneth E. Grabowski
Legislative Director
One response to “Legislation Signed By Governor to Add County Corrections Officers to Public Act 312”
Posted by Marsha
I am absolutely apaulled that they would consider those kind of bill, i along with many other americans are against this, they would in every way abuse their pwr, their authority, they shouldnt be included in any category as pol offers, or any other positions of authority, I am against this, tge reasn they would easily help those doing time to escape correctional facilities, they would think they are above the law when they aren’t working during their shift, we DONT need this at this time. , PLEASE don’t let them have any kind of privileges, I used to work for one of the local officials re-election committee, one corrections offcr was being praised for brutal murder of a young unsuspecting mother, forced into sex work, she was used for sex by all of his coworkers, friends, than she was stabbed in the most horrible way imaginable, although I am unable to give specific gruesome detail here, he was PRAISED for what he did, he had others with him helping him hide the murder, he was a FORMER INMATE himself, he had connections through someone to get hired in as corrections offcr, NO I don’t think they should have same protection rights as regular pol offers, PLEASE DONT ALLOW THIS , THEY WILL ONLY HELP THE PRISONERS, we don’t need this change . Thank you God bless
Posted on May 29, 2023 at 2:43 AM