by Dan Kuhn

The beginning of 2009 will bring a change to 32 of the 83 Michigan counties, but none gives me more satisfaction then the defeat of the POAM’s 2007 Horse’s Ass Award recipient Ronald Bouldin of Arenac County. I’d like to congratulate the citizens of Arenac County and the members of the Arenac County Sheriff Department for having the fortitude and courage needed to turn the department and the county over to a reasonable, and dedicated new sheriff. POAM endorsee Jim Mosiscki will be a welcome change for at least the next four years, and we look forward to our future relationship with the Arenac County Sheriff Department.

It’s now time to repair the relationships that were damaged under Bouldin’s reign of terror, and get back to the job that the people of Michigan elects a sheriff to do. That job is to serve, and represent the citizens, not yourself. A good reminder to all sheriffs is that the office you occupy is not your office, but the people’s office. And thankfully, when you abuse the privilege entrusted to you, and forget that, it can be taken away, and given to someone else to occupy. Arenac County will be much better served without the likes of former Sheriff Ronald Bouldin, former Undersheriff Robert Fitzgerald, and the former editor of the Arenac Independent, Roberta Haus. Happy new year citizens of Arenac County!

I would also like to congratulate and wish success to the new Sheriff of Saginaw County, Bill Federspiel, and the new Sheriff of Clare County, John Wilson. Both have been longtime POAM members, and friends, and both unseated long time incumbent sheriffs in their counties. I look forward to, and anticipate strong labor/management relations in both of those counties as well. My dream, is that one year we will have no nominations for the Horse’s Ass Award, and that our relationships with all of the administrators throughout Michigan is one that looks out for the good of not only the municipality in question, but one that looks out for the best interests of the members that the POAM represents. Like I’ve said many times before, the POAM is a much better friend, than foe. Just ask the past award winners how true that is…if you can find them.

Happy new year everybody! Stay safe.

With deepest sympathy, our thoughts and prayers are with the Samborski family.