Sandusky Police Department Message
The Sandusky Police Department issued a message to help the public during this ever-changing news related to the COVID-19 pandemic. Read more below.
During the recent COVID-19 pandemic, Governor Whitmer has so far issued 147 Executive Orders (EO). Some of the EO’s rescind the previous EO’s, and some of the EO’s modify previous EO’s. For local law enforcement, this has become a very confusing issue as to what is enforceable and what is not enforceable.
Based on the large number of Executive Orders issued by Governor Whitmer, the Sandusky Police Department is asking the public to contact the Michigan Attorney General at the Governor’s Constituent Services, 517-335-7858, with any complaint you have regarding any of the Governor’s EO’s, including the most recent EO requiring face masks to be worn in public buildings.
Please do NOT contact our department to file a complaint reference a person possibly violating any of the Governor’s EO. We will only refer you to the above-listed phone number.
Thank you for your patience during this unprecedented time in history and remember, be kind to one another, even if you disagree with what they do or say.
For More Information
Contact us with your questions or concerns. We’ll continue to share updates through our online platforms, including our website, social media, mobile app, and monthly newsletter.
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