Officers routinely go harm’s way to support the community’s needs. Often, those needs involve disputes between family and friends that quickly escalate out of control. It’s not uncommon for officers to arrive at a scene not knowing the details of those domestic disputes yet knowing that, without action, many lives are at risk.
POAM recognizes the commitment of officers who guide, support, and protect the lives of residents. Four officers from the Taylor Police Department deserve recognition for their efforts in protecting their fellow officers and an entire apartment complex of innocent bystanders from the actions of a single man. Corporals Christian Schnell, Joshua Fryckland, Joseph Thivierge, and Patrolman Vincent Monaco worked as a team to communicate efficiently and carry out the necessary steps to protect and serve.
Working as a Team, Officers Prevent a Potential Tragedy
No officer starts their day with the plan to discharge their weapon, and most take every step possible before doing so. Often, quick, decisive action is critical to protecting the community. That is what was needed during April 2022.
Officers responded to a violent domestic situation at a large apartment complex in Taylor. The four officers arrived on the scene of a man barricaded in an apartment with two young children still within it. The domestic situation involved his wife and a friend arguing about traveling out of state. Upon arriving at the apartment complex, each member of the police team worked to identify the individuals involved and assess the safety of the entire apartment community. The situation escalated when the man stepped outside the apartment and opened fire with an assault rifle on officers. The officers returned fire until the threat was stopped.
Their actions in those moments likely saved the lives of fellow officers and proactively helped protect the community as a whole. Each officer recognized the danger they faced that day, yet they put themselves at risk to protect, serve, and resolve a difficult situation.
About the Taylor PD Recipients
The POAM honors the four police officers in Taylor who took the courageous steps of protecting the community at their own risk.
Corporal Christian Schnell
Corporal Christian Schnell has served the Taylor Police Department for 7 years and served as PSO for the department before that. He is a highly qualified and trusted member of the Downriver SWAT team and operates as a sniper, and is noted as dependable, hardworking, and trustworthy. Corporal Schnell is also a loving father and husband.
Corporal Joshua Fryckland
Corporal Fryckland has served the Taylor Police Department reliably for 5 ½ years. Before that, he spent 2 ½ years serving the Highland Park Police Department. As a trusted professional with an intent eye for detail, Corporal Fryckland is noted for being dependable and a truly hard-working police officer who cares about his community’s safety. He is a devoted husband and father as well.
Corporal Joseph Thivierge
With over 19 years of service under his belt, Corporal Thieverge has served the community of Taylor for a long time and through many difficult scenarios. He is a consistent, steady force in supporting his fellow officers. He has been a member of the Executive Board since January 2009 and the President of the TPOLA since August 2017. He is married and is a wonderful role model for his four daughters.
Patrolman Vincent Monaco
For those who know Patrolman Vincent Monaco, it’s easy to see his dedication to the community. He brings with him five years of experience with the Taylor Police Department, along with two additional years of service with the Riverview Police Department. He is a vital, hardworking professional and a member of the Downriver SWAT, a critical regional force. Outside of work, Patrolman Monaco is a caring husband and father.
Recipients of the 2023 Police Officer of the Year Award
The actions of each of these four police officers made a difference in many lives. Together, these four men worked as a team and managed to safeguard the lives of innocent people. For that hard work, POAM thanks and supports you and presents you with the 2023 Police Officer of the Year Award.
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