POAM is a full service labor organization formed to meet every need of law enforcement officers. The POAM provides all labor related services, from negotiations, grievance processing, arbitration and legal representation to Act 312 arbitrations. During negotiations or employer meetings, POAM encourages your local representatives be present and participate. Your expertise on local issues is of paramount concern to POAM, and it is your right to be part of the process.
POAM employs full-time attorneys at our headquarters in Redford and Gaylord, Michigan, that can answer any legal questions on the spot. While other labor organizations have committees to analyze the cost vs. the benefit on a particular grievance, our lawyers, as full-time employees, are available to service every reasonable request from our membership
POAM has the most comprehensive criminal/civil protection plan available. This optional and innovative program will provide you with an experienced attorney and cover all of the attorney expenses arising from any criminal charge, whether on duty or off, work related or not. In addition, if you are sued civilly, as a result of actions taken in the performance of your duties, POAM will provide “of counsel” legal assistance to make sure your employer represents and defends you properly. The controlling details of this plan are available upon request. No other union offers such a comprehensive program.
Staffed by two experienced professionals, the POAM’s research team responds each week to a variety of requests for information. Business agents working with local bargaining committees need to know what wages and benefits are available to other departments in the area. When pensions are being negotiated, actuarial costs for new benefits are decisive in gaining improvements. Health care issues, Social Security questions, work practice surveys and cost-of-living analysis are only a few of the areas addressed by John Barr and Kevin Loftis, Research Analysts.
POAM’s Business Manager is also Michigan’s leading 312 advocate. William Birdseye is the state’s foremost expert on presentation of compulsory arbitration cases on behalf of labor organizations. In addition, he has in excess of thirty years experience in grievance arbitrations, contract negotiations and contract administration matters.
Our members have access to LIFELINE, a 24-hour professional counseling service for law enforcement officers and their families. LIFELINE also handles calls from members when they are involved in any activity where they feel their rights should be protected by a union representative or POAM attorney. This protection is 24 hours a day, 365 days a year. This service is provided for all members at no extra cost.
All legislation concerning law enforcement and labor issues is closely monitored by POAM and our full time staff of legislative lobbyists in Lansing and Washington, D.C. POAM keeps a watchful eye on all issues concerning our membership. Unlike other police groups, POAM is the only police union that lobbies exclusively for our membership. We do not allow the state police or conflicting associations to utilize our lobbying services.
The POAM services law enforcement groups in over 300 local police and county sheriffs’ departments throughout the State, with a combined membership in excess of 12,000. POAM has the necessary staff of business agents, full-time attorneys, research and support personnel to give the same efficient representation to all of our locals. POAM members pay monthly dues and not a penny more. There are NO special assessments or fees. All members can be covered by our life insurance at a nominal cost.
At least twice a year, POAM sponsors extensive training seminars on critical law enforcement issues including, but not limited to, Act 312 arbitration, grievance procedures, Garrity and Weingarten rights, etc. All members of your association are invited and encouraged to attend.
On behalf of the most prestigious and influential police union in the state, we would like you to consider joining POAM for all your labor needs. Any and all members of your Executive Board are invited to visit our headquarters and meet personally with all of our support staff. Let us know if you need us to attend a meeting in your area, we’ll be glad to send a representative. Your membership in POAM is welcome and we are positive that our organization can fulfill all of your requirements to your utmost satisfaction. AT POAM, WE PROTECT THE PROTECTORS.