A spokesperson has condemned the officer’s actions, calling them “disgraceful, completely unacceptable and shocking”
By PoliceOne Staff
TORONTO — A police officer in Toronto, Canada pleaded guilty Monday on one count of threatening bodily harm.
In the video, Const. Christopher Hominuk threatens two handcuffed suspects in the back seat of a squad car, first by pressing the TASER against the neck and then by pressing it to the suspect’s crotch.
A Police Service spokesperson has condemned the officer’s actions, calling them “disgraceful, completely unacceptable and shocking,” according to the Calgary Sun. “One of the reasons we had these in-car cameras installed was the protection of both officers and the public.”
The May 24, 2010 dash-cam video caught Const. Hominuk slapping one suspect in the face and ordering him to lie down, at which point he presses his TASER to the man’s crotch and makes a threat:
“If you’re lying to me, when I get you back to the station, I’m Tasering you in the f*cking nuts.”
Part of the video can be seen below and more information can be found at the Calgary Sun.
From www.policeone.com