By Ed Jacques, LEJ Editor
Over 40 years of experience in the police and labor profession were sorely missed by POAM and hundreds of its members when Business Agent Tom Griffin retired in April, 2010. Griffin was the complete package, serving as a Dearborn police officer from 1968 to 1998. Tom served his membership as their local secretary for four years, vice-president for 12 years and four years as president. Griffin was named to the POAM Executive Board and began serving local bargaining groups in 1998. Tom became a full-time Business Agent at POAM one day after his retirement from the Dearborn Police Department. At the time of his retirement, Griffin represented 30 units from a wide range of communities in lower Michigan.
Although Tom represents many police department employees, he has been a significant force in the growth of the public employee union, Technical, Professional and Officeworkers Association of Michigan (TPOAM). Over the last decade, when public employers wanted significant changes in benefit levels, they would start their campaign against the often-time under represented public employees. At the request of some of our POAM units, Griffin stemmed that tide with his commitment and expertise to those deserving groups. POAM and TPOAM members are glad that Tom Griffin has built a unified front in many municipalities.
For the last six years Tom and his wife, Christine have enjoyed Florida’s climate at their vacation condo. They plan on purchasing a home in the Fort Meyers area and be full-time residents by this summer. Griffin will be attending the POAM convention in May and visiting relatives in Michigan in the upcoming summer.
Tom Griffin will also be remembered as a business agent who was extremely effective using his laid back, professional and respectful style of negotiating. He has developed excellent working relationships with previously tough employers, laying a solid foundation for any POAM business agent that takes over his responsibilities.
“I’m proud of the work I’ve done and the amount of time I have dedicated to the profession,” said Griffin. “Christine and I will miss the camaraderie and friendships we have with clients and the POAM staff, but we can’t wait to get to the warmer weather.”
Thanks Tom. You’ve earned it!