by William Birdseye

Have you logged on to and heard the most recent improvements to the site? That’s right, audio applications are now taking the nation’s leading police union website into new and powerful territory via something called podcasts. Although I have embraced and directed POAM staff to lead the charge in the communication revolution, I am still amazed at new technological advancements and how they can improve our productivity and communication. POAM podcasts are just the next step in an ongoing process to link members to information and educate them on issues.

POAM podcasts are recorded interviews with prominent police leaders, politicians and other individuals that have a significant impact on our profession. Access the home page of and click on the microphone in the top right hand corner. We will be keeping a chronological list of our subjects and speaking guests for immediate access in the future. The topics will be on the mark and a must hear for all union members. As I write this article, we have produced two podcasts and by the time you read it we will likely have four subjects in the library. Our first podcast was an immediate reaction by our Legislative Director Kenneth E. Grabowski to new legislation articles on 312 arbitration for police officers and mandated cuts to pay and benefit levels for all public employees. POAM members were instantly notified of our response and directed to a plan of action.

In today’s unavoidable world of multitasking, the ability to listen to subject material is an undeniable asset. I have been told that the POAM podcasts are also available through iTunes, your MP3 player or I-pod. I think that the quality of the podcasts rival that of many radio broadcasts.

POAM will be producing a podcast from Washington, D.C. during Police Week and at our Annual Convention in Grand Rapids. We will be having conversations with your members in the U.S. Congress during our legislation reception and hopefully interviewing the two leading candidates in the Michigan Governor’s race.

But that’s just the beginning!Do you want to know more about what POAM has planned? Keep your ears on.

To listen to the poam podcasts, click here.