By Jim Binder

Advantage, by definition is superiority of position or condition and is frequently the deciding factor in surviving a lethal engagement, where only skill and training are of greater importance than this advantage. The recently introduced Browe Combat Optic provides that important tactical advantage, exhibiting design features superior to any other optical product currently available. The BCO is a purpose designed and built optic for use in combat as well in close quarters tactical scenarios, where form follows function. It enhances the speed at which an operative can acquire a sight picture and successfully engage a target making the difference in operational success in every instance. Superior performance is delivered using current state of the art technology, not using decade’s old designs and technology incorporated into currently fielded products that have not seen a major design change for over 20 years. No expense was spared in the design and manufacture of the BCO, beginning with the scope body, a precision military grade titanium investment casting produced by Ti Squared Technologies. Why use titanium when oth- ers use less expensive aluminum? Titanium, although more expensive, is both lighter and stronger making it more capable of withstand- ing the rigors of its intended use. A roof prism optical system is incorporated to maintain a short overall length, a platform that has proven itself successful with currently deployed prod- ucts. The optical design for the 4×32 BCO was developed by Optical Engineering of Minne- sota, a company known for their experience in the commercial, research and military arenas. All lenses are precision ground of the finest quality optical glass available and are broad band anti-reflective coated possessing excellent light gathering capabilities even under low light conditions. The reticle incorporates an LED coupled with microprocessor technology and a cadmium-sulfide photocell to measure target light levels, automatically adjusting the reticle to match target lighting conditions. When operating in urban areas, light conditions can vary from streets to dark alleys and buildings. When nanoseconds count there is no time to make manual illu- mination adjustments or search for a poorly illuminated reticle. The optical axis was engineered to allow perfect alignment and compatibility with oth- er optical devices including low light/night vision, FLIR thermal imaging and others etc.. Multiple mounting areas are incorporated into the housing design, allowing the easy addition of add on accessories like red dot reflex sights for snap shooting application. (for specifications 4×32 BCO see www. The BCO can be mounted on any tactical rifle or carbine equipped with a Picatinny rail; which includes virtually all currently manufactured tactical firearms. Return to zero when mounting the optic on a firearm is accom- plished using the standard ARMS adjustable single throw lever mount sup- plied as part of the BCO standard package. Installation and removal from the firearm requires only a 90 movement of the throw lever. When not in use on the firearm, the optic can be stored in a Pelican combat hardened case which is also included in the standard package. Once mounted, the optic is activated using the Single Intuitive Control “SIC” button. First press of the SIC button puts the system into “automatic” mode, the LED reticle automat- ically adjusts to target lighting conditions and meters off of the target, not the ambient background using Target Light Sensor Technology. The second press of the button will put the system into “manual” mode starting with the brightest setting, every subsequent press of the SIC button allows cycling through the ten (10) daylight and three (3) night vision settings. Holding the SIC button for three seconds will put the system back into sleep mode conserving the battery. The BCO microcontroller is field programmable if expedient custom setting changes are required. An integral vibration sen- sor returns the system to sleep mode after 120 minutes of non-movement should the weapon be set down for an extended period of time with the reticle activated. Additional accessories include pop open lens covers, laser filters, Killflash anti-reflection filters etc.; these devices mount positively to the optic via internal threads rather than with large rubber bands as used on other currently fielded products. Following initial zeroing aided by a green laser bore sighting device the BCO was manually fine tuned at 100 meters. Both elevation and windage adjustments produce ½ minute of angle adjustment per click at 100 meters; the adjustments were positive and repeatable. Bull’s eye and humanoid tar- gets were engaged at both 100 and 200 meters from bench rest and off hand positions with more than acceptable results. Head shots at 100 meters were easily accomplished; groups consistently averaged 1.5”, reasonable results given the limitations of the short barreled Smith & Wesson M4 carbine. The BCO utilizes a ballistic chevron reticle calibrated for 5.56 mm NATO ammunition and is used for expedient range determination. Ranging is easy, referencing an average humanoid target. The peak of the chevron indi- cates100 meters, the crotch of the chevron 200 meters, the feet of the chev- ron is calibrated for 300 meters with greater distances indicated by numbers on the vertical post. This system is fast, straight forward and simple to use, no mental effort is required. Any advantage over an adversary can provide the tactical officer with a decisive edge in a lethal engagement; the Browe BCO provides that advan- tage. The BCO combines best- in- practice features, such as high quality optical glass , high precision machining and rugged military design with unique next-in-practice features that places the Browe Combat Optic at the top of its class. Additionally, it avoids the shortcomings found in other opti- cal systems such as manual reticle intensity adjustment or reticle blooming that is encountered in some optics unless the light source is masked in day- light scenarios. Elimination of manual reticle adjustments shortens engage- ment times from seconds to nanoseconds, one of many superior features of the BCO. With the BCO, the proof is in the performance and we were more than impressed by its performance. This product has truly raised the bar on tactical optics , taking combat optics to the next level and establishing a new benchmark that all others will be measured against. In an era where liter- ally everything is outsourced; this domestically designed, sourced and pro- duced optic proudly boasts that it is made in the U.S.A. When nothing less than the best and most advanced in tactical optics will do, contact Browe, Inc.