by Jim Tignanelli

As I write this, three gallant young police officers from
Pittsburgh, PA, are being mourned by their friends and
family. All three gunned down by some senseless coward
who chooses to blame his mother, his dog, his president, and God only
knows who else. Four Oakland, CA, officers were executed by another
poor, innocent felon just a few weeks prior. So many of us have had to
deal with the death of a fellow officer during our careers that it’s hard
for us to understand why citizens are not outraged when our friends
are assaulted while performing their jobs. Those of us who have lived
and worked in Macomb County need only think back to the names of
DeSmet, Wouters, Vauris to feel that heaviness in our chest. Was that
the last time you cried openly? Perhaps.
Many of our board and staff will be attending police week in Washington,
DC, May 13 through 16. I can only imagine the feelings that
will be shared at the candlelight vigil. I hope to see you there. If you
are looking for friends to share a cold beverage with, please join us on
the 14th at the Tune Inn. It is located at 331 ½ Pennsylvania Ave., SE
(directly across from the capitol). Drinks will be on POAM from noon
until we get tired. We will have a van transporting our friends from the
memorial to the Tune Inn all that afternoon.
Plans for the POAM convention are nearing completion and I’m
sure you will find it educational as well as entertaining. Our seminar
on June 3 is going to be one you won’t want to miss. The morning will
focus on political action and be of real value to each of you. Remember,
it only takes one council person, one county commissioner, one
township trustee… harpoon a deal. Many of them take their reelections
for granted. Make them work! We’ll have some information to
help you make it happen. The afternoon session will be presented by
Eric Prince, formerly of Blackwater. That’s all you need to know!
Our police officers of the year candidates are selected and the presentations
will be memorable, I’m certain of course the cocktail party
and presentation to our worst administrator will be a worthwhile expenditure
of your time too!
Meanwhile, take care of each other as much as you are able out
there. All my best to you.